Friday, February 26, 2010

In The Planning Stage

Hi everyone, I hope everyone has taken the time to check the blog out. I would like to here from those who have read this if you are considering coming to our reunion. It would be nice to see if you are coming.
Possible plans for the day are:
commencing at around 2pm with afternoon activities. Possibly a bouncy castle for the young at heart. Maybe bowling (on the green type) Maybe some team games and then for the older family members maybe just sitting around remembering the old times!!!!
Will keep everyone posted on what we come up with.
The evening will be a meal, possibly a spit roast type of meal with some nice sweets.
If drinking you will need to supply that, we will probably come up with a punch during the day.
In the evening maybe some line dancing or whatever everyone wants to do.
Possibly a power point of those who came to live in Australia. Might be a good idea if everyone could supply some family pics for this power point. These are just some ideas running through my head at the moment. So will keep you posted as more things come to light. If anyone has suggestions they are most welcome to comment on the blog. Cheers Peta


  1. Hi Peta
    This is a great idea. I hope everyone decides to get on board as I'm sure if it comes off it will be a heap of fun!!!!
    Do you think we will all be contributing some money to make all these things happen??? Like an entry fee ... but before the day???

  2. Yes we will work out what we are going to do and work out costings etc. Then we will split it up or something. That's why I have asked everyone to commit. Anyway as we go along more info will come out.
